Booking my Break

#1 How do I find rental properties?

Click SELECT A LOCATION on our home page,
Click your desired location, this will bring you to the properties listed in your desired location.

#2 How do I making a booking request?

Click the BOOK tab this will take you to the Booking inquiry form
Enter your details in the provided boxes and click REQUEST BOOKING.

#3 Can I ask the Owner a question?

Then enter your question.

Review a Property

#1 How do I review a property?

Go to the property home page and click the WRITE A REVIEW tab.
Complete the details in the form and write your review.
When complete click the submit tab.

List your Holiday Rental property

#1 How do I get started?

Create an account by clicking the PROPERTY OWNERS tab
This will bring you to the next page.
Complete the form to set up your owner's profile inc login details.

#2 How do I list my Property?

Log into your account, you will find the log in tab on the top right hand corner of our home page.
Complete the form and add your property details and photos.
Once completed click the CREATE PROPERTY tab.
You will also need to send a copy of your council rates as proof of ownership.

#3 When will my Rental property will be live?

Have a Break will review your property application. Once we are satisfied we will activate your holiday rental property. admin@haveabreak.com.au will send you an email confirming you are now open for business.

#4 Can I edit my listing?

Yes, you can log in and edit the property information, change rental rates and conditions,add and change photos.

#5 How do I get help listing my property?

Firstly try to find an answer in the FAQ if you cant find a answer to your question
click the GET IN TOUCH tab at the bottom of the home page.
We will get back to you with an answer to your question?

Need to contact us directly?